(312) 725-0470

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This will allow you to save your progress on your listing form in case you need to step away, before completing your entire listing form.

Start Your Listing by Choosing an Option Below

List your Home

If you own a building, the property exterior, and yard, you have a single family home.

iew of a single family home with a stone exterior, driveway and lawn.

List your Condo

If you share community areas, a building exterior, and a roof with your neighbors, you own a condo.

interior of an urban condominium with a white sofa and low coffee table

List your Rental Property

If you are renting the property to someone else.

apartment living room

List your Land

If you own a farm or empty plot of land that has not yet been developed, you own land.

Man holding a shovel in a plot of land

Full Service

If you want complete, one on one service from a real estate agent, inquire about a full service listing.

young couple in front of a sold real estate sign